Holy cow, y’all! YNOT Party Austin was this week, and hot damn was it fun.

YNOT Party Austin represented a revival of the legendary annual YNOT Party. Like its predecessors, this year’s event focused on building community within the adult entertainment industry through touristy tours, super fun and a whole lotta shenanigans!
Attendees came from all over. They ate Texas barbecue, went on adventures and discussed ways everyone could work together to make business better and more lucrative.
Here are just a few highlights.
The hotel: We stayed at the historic Driskill Hotel. Built in 1886 as the showplace of cattle baron Jesse Driskill and located smack in the middle of downtown, the Driskill is a legendary landmark. It’s fancy — and reportedly haunted. We went on a ghost tour of the hotel during YNOT Party’s first night.
The Segway tour: I know it may seem a little dorky, but the best way to see Austin is on a Segway. The folks at SegCity, including our guides Kent and Isis, zoomed us all over downtown and the state capitol grounds, pointing out landmarks and generally being awesome.
While the Segway fun was going down, other YP attendees got to go on a panic-room adventure — a controlled event during which a group is locked in a room and must figure out how to escape.
The Duck tour: You haven’t lived until you’ve taken an amphibious tour of downtown Austin and the beautiful Colorado river inside an unsinkable, US Coast Guard inspected Hydra-Terra vehicle. It drives on land, then splashes down in the water for a relaxing float downstream!
Austin Duck Adventures was amazing, from our great tour guide — a former Austin firefighter who navigated the tight, traffic laden streets with precision and ease — to the awesome DJ work of 2Hot4FB’s Steve Lightspeed.
I had a blast in AUSTIN! #ynotparty #ynot https://t.co/ljlk7pX2G2 @YNOT_Cam @YNOTdotcom #beckylesabre pic.twitter.com/aidCIMYnfM
— Becky LeSabre (@beckylesabre) November 17, 2016
The nightlife: The White Ghost Shivers played during the Fleshlight party. We took a bus to Ginny’s Little Longhorn, a legendary honky-tonk, where Ruby Dee and the Snakehandlers entertained. Chicken shit bingo was raucous fun: Everyone took a number, and then a chicken named Loretta Lynn strolled a bingo board. Where ever she decided to do her business marked the winner.
It was all very Texas, and everyone had a great time — including Lindsey Banks and Rachel Starr, shown here on the party bus to Ginny’s:
@YNOT_Cam Party bus w @RachelStarrxxx ? awesome seeing you right after @FlirtSummit XOXO ?? pic.twitter.com/aoD76Ejp2V
— Lindsey Banks (@Banksie231) November 17, 2016
Photos by Richard Buss and Becky LeSabre.
And check out Ruby Dee and The Snakehandlers below — so much fun!
[…] for violating community standards. I met 2Hot’s founder, industry innovator Steve Lightspeed, at YNOT Party Austin recently and was super-intrigued by the service, but a little skeptical. No way was Facebook gonna […]
[…] for violating community standards. I met 2Hot’s founder, industry innovator Steve Lightspeed, at YNOT Party Austin recently and was super-intrigued by the service, but a little skeptical. No way was Facebook gonna […]