Winter brings a few guarantees: lower temperatures, higher heating costs and dry, itchy skin. Little can be done about the first two, but with some caution and a bit of routine, you can tackle the nonstop irritation and scratching that accompany dry skin.
Are you lacking in oil or water (or both)?
There are two main contributors to dry skin: lack of water (dehydration) and lack of oil (true dry skin). Common symptoms of dehydration and lack of oil include red, sensitive skin, fine wrinkles, flaking skin, inflammation and a taut feeling overall. Super-dry skin and a chronic lack of oil will intensify these symptoms and also result in patchy skin, as well as tiny visible blood vessels on the face. Also, and not to get too graphic about it, if you wake up after a big nap or sleeping through the night and your face doesn’t feel at least a bit dewy, you know you are dealing with dry skin.
Depletion of oil and water can come from a few sources:
- Diet: Low-fat everything is how we often are programmed to eat, but too little fat and oil can wreak havoc on your skin. (Also, too little water and too many cocktails.)
- Smoking: Don’t smoke cigarettes. Nothing good comes of it.
- Inappropriate or incorrect skin care: Know your skin type and use products appropriate for your needs. For example, if you have dry skin already and you are using a oil-absorbent toner… Well, you can see how this is a bad idea.
- Seasonal and environmental changes: We have less control over these.
Cold weather takes its toll on skin because of decreased humidity, increased winds, hot baths and dry heat from furnaces and radiators. The subsequent loss of skin moisture causes dryness, which in turn causes itching, flaking and possible cracking of the epidermal layers — conditions that are not only inconvenient and sometimes painful, but also are not conducive to your best look on cam. Age is also a factor, and you will certainly notice changes in how your skin reacts to wintertime weather (or dryer climates in general) as you age.
Since you can’t change the weather, what can you do?
There are simple solutions for dry, itchy, winter skin. Take lukewarm showers for a maximum of five to 10 minutes. Use a mild soap or non-soap cleanser. Exfoliate with a washcloth. Post-bath, pat yourself dry with a soft towel instead of vigorously rubbing your wet skin. Once you’ve toweled off, immediately apply a generous amount of moisturizer from head to foot.
When spending time outdoors, use sunscreen on your face and hands — yes, even in winter. When you’re not on cam, or when selecting your cam outfits, opt for soft cotton fabrics. Avoid wool, which can irritate already-sensitive skin. Wear cotton pajamas and sleep on cotton sheets. Wear gloves when you’re outdoors and when you’re indoors doing housework and washing dishes. Use fragrance-free laundry detergents. (Note: These are different from the ones labeled “unscented,” which means exactly that — the product has no scent.)
Your lips must also be protected, as they are prone to chap, crack and even bleed — again, unappealing on cam, and also unhealthy. In addition to the aforementioned causes of dry skin, lips can become parched as a result of mouth-breathing, medications such as diuretics and cholesterol-lowering drugs, or if you are in the habit of constant lip-licking. Balm, gloss and lipstick can only do so much for coverage and healing. Protect your delicate skin and strive to break destructive habits.
Is it just the weather, or do you really have something going on?
Basic, everyday itching — the kind that appears on your forearms, shins and other extremities — is mostly an annoyance and can be controlled with over-the-counter products. The best option is to moisturize, but this must be done every day, post-shower, while your skin is still damp and most absorbent. Whether you opt for ointment, cream or lotion is entirely up to you. Ointments are thick and greasy and only need to be applied once or twice a day. They are best for dehydrated skin, but most people don’t like the way they feel. Creams are thick and almost paste-like in their consistency. Lotions are thinner and easy to spread, but they require repeat applications throughout the day.
Finding the right product and formulation is often trial and error. Is it visible, is it sticky, does it help? Start with trial sizes or samples. Another option is to use heavier creams or ointments overnight, while applying (and reapplying) a sheer lotion by day and while camming — maybe even make it a sexy part of your routine.
General winter itchiness and dry skin are common and treatable. However, everyday dryness should not be confused with serious, chronic skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, autoimmune conditions that can impact quality of life and must be treated by a medical professional. If you are experiencing inflamed, scaly, red patches on your skin, make an immediate appointment with a dermatologist.
Dry Skin Fighters
If you suffer from dry, itchy skin, here are a few brands to consider.
Laundry detergents: All Free and Clear, Tide Free, Cheer Free.
For hands: TheraSeal Hand Protectant.
For lips: Aquaphor by day, petroleum jelly or (yep) Preparation H at night.
Soaps and cleansers: Aveeno, Dove, CeraVe, Cetaphil, Eucerin, Basis. No joke: CeraVe and Cetaphil are legendary brands you can get at any drugstore. They are better than some of the most high-end products around.
Avoid grainy, synthetic fabrics, wool, bubble baths and perfumed products, and always read labels. Just because something is “pure” or “natural” does not mean it is devoid of chemicals and irritants.
For more information about relieving dry skin, visit the American Academy of Dermatology.
Jenna Andre is a total gearhead who also appreciates the simpler things in life. Email her at
Check out this great dry skin wrap up from Mia’s Asian Beauty Secrets.